Uni MS-PS: a Multi-Scale Encoder Decoder Transformer for Universal Photometric Stereo

Clément Hardy1, Yvain Quéau1, David Tschumperlé1,
1Normandie Université, UNICAEN, CNRS, ENSICAEN, GREYC laboratory, Caen, France
Images credits: Skoltech3D [1] DiLiGenT-Pi [2]

Visual DiLiGent [3] Results

Ground Truth

Visual on a very high resolution image

Images credits: Marsoulas cave [4]


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[4] A. Laurent 2023 (INPT, UMR 5505 IRIT), C. Fritz and G. Tosello team (CREAP-E.Cartailhac), MSHS-T (UAR 3414)